Important Dates:
- Thursday, September 14th
Math Learning Goals:
3.4A (R)- solve with fluency one-step and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and the relationship between addition and subtraction
3.5A (R)- Represent one- and two- problems involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers to 1,000 using pictorial models, number lines, and equations
Math Homework
Math homework is passed out on Friday and due the following Thursday.
Science Learning Goals:
3.5A (S) – measure, test, and record physical properties of matter, including temperature, mass, magnetism, and the ability to sink or float;
3.5B (R) – describe and classify samples of matter as solids, liquids, and gasses and demonstrate that solids have a definite shape and that liquids and gasses take the shape of their container;